Thursday, May 15, 2008

Google GWT

Compiere: Switching from Swing to GWT
- see the Dashboard they have ( even on java Swing ) in the screen demos, we need to this kind of dash board access to all parts of our 'consumer feedback ' application .
- Since Comapiere choose this GWT over any other means this GWT must be suited very good for 'Enterprise applications' delivering over web.
- This massive ERP & CRM application on browser is great testimony for GWT seems (asr)
- watch video the designers says they get only META data of screen elements and they render every thing using JS in browser, interesting.
- this info may be available in the book below which is endorsed by 'GWT' creator google engineer

Ext GWT: Rich Internet Application Framework for GWT
Ext GWT is a Java library for building rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It includes:
# High performance, customizable UI widgets
# Full theming support with standard CSS
# Well designed, consistent and fully documented source code
# Native GWT solution with no external JavaScript or 3rd party libraries
- good UI compoents to view -- you can see source java code at the bottom of the panel for all components
- Top 5 GWT Libraries
- GWT resources

- Book review

It seems GWT fights with Falsh in some sense, if you app is like Compaiere sure GWT wins .., for more consumer applications Flash ( Adobe Flex ) may work

I feel that Flex and GWT are the key players for web development with Java backends in the area of RIA.
-There are a lot of similarities in what GWT and Flex deliver from a functionality stand point however the right technology depends on the application being build. There is a lot to discuss regarding the differences and sweetspots of GWT over Flex and vice-versa.
-For now I'll just mention that GWT really does a good job optimizing the size of the application JS and making sure that the web application is loaded in the most efficient way over the wire with smart caching etc. This is great for Internet based applications
- These impressive lines might help sell JSF to management, but when it comes down to actually developing a rich application, JSF doesn't event come close to providing the richness and interactivity that other frameworks in this category can deliver. Additionally the productivity level using, say , GWT is far more than using JSF

Google Web Toolkit Applications
“Ryan clearly understands the GWT value proposition and how GWT integrates into a diverse web technology stack–and not just in a theoretical way. With the popularity of and, Ryan can speak with the authority of concrete success.”
–Bruce Johnson, creator of Google Web Toolkit
- And this book is recent (not 2 years old )just 12/2007

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