Sunday, November 20, 2011

Machine Learning

Thanks to Sandeep for this good easy to Learn Layout .
This is Ideal Layout for learning new subjects , what this Layout provides
 - complete set of  handouts and corresponding Vidoes ,  
- Videos are all in one page with hide/show. you can open 2 videos , press pause button on one video and can go to other video on that topic 

Here comes my Perfectionist critic(asr) , how can we improve on this good Layout further
 - we can have 2 pane window (same page) showing Lecture PDF on LEFT and on the Right showing Video 
- Both panes do Vertical scroll independently that way you can go to any section of PDF and any related video for that section
- next step: Have 'topics' in each lecture PDF listed on a collapsible DIV so that we can go to those 'topics' directly.

What is Machine Learning?
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. - Tom M. Mitchell (1997).
Following are the recommended prerequisites for this course:
Lecture handouts
cs229-notes1.pdfLinear Regression, Classification and logistic regression, Generalized Linear Models
cs229-notes2.pdfGenerative Learning algorithms
cs229-notes3.pdfSupport Vector Machines
cs229-notes4.pdfLearning Theory
cs229-notes5.pdfRegularization and model selection
cs229-notes6.pdfThe perceptron and large margin classifiers
cs229-notes7a.pdfThe k-means clustering algorithm
cs229-notes7b.pdfMixtures of Gaussians and the EM algorithm
cs229-notes8.pdfThe EM algorithm
cs229-notes9.pdfFactor analysis
cs229-notes10.pdfPrincipal components analysis
cs229-notes11.pdfIndependent Components Analysis
cs229-notes12.pdfReinforcement Learning and Control
Machine Learning - Standford University Lectures
A Big thanks to the Standford University for posting these lectures.

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