Tuesday, October 23, 2007

open infrastructure for a vertical business

What is PawSource?
my note: good example of JSF, Web services implementation with free open code and learn from. This can be appllied to any business case where you are building web services to your business with out spending 100s of hours this is ready to read , and modify to user specific industry.
Credibility: Todd has 25+ years in the software and standards creation industry
(from FAQ ): PawSource is focused on helping build the standards for the pet industry and the implementation of components that are given away (as in free) with all documentation and source code for others to use

Hosted application on web

PawSource is a pet-industry specific open-source project that was created to provide a free and open infrastructure for pet related businesses.
The PawSource data / protocol standards and prebuilt components provide existing pet web sites the infrastructure to access any other PawSource enabled web site.
All PawSource code is free and open-sourced.
How PawSource Differs from Current Sites.
screen shots
seems JSF based app - url shows .faces
screen 2

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