Sunday, December 30, 2007

Omron HBF-500 Body Composition Monitor with Scale

Detailed Measurement
The weight display measures weight up to 300 pounds in .2-pound increments, while body fat percentage can be measured from 5 to 60 percent in .1 percent increments. Meanwhile, skeletal muscle percentage is measured from 5 to 50 percent, also in .1 increments. Visceral fat classifications are available, too; the device will tell you if your visceral fat levels are normal or high.

One of the keys to weight loss and management is tracking your body mass index, or BMI. The HBF-500 rates your BMI from 7.0 to 90.0 in .1 increments. BMI is classified at three levels: underweight, normal, overweight, and obese. You can also assess your resting metabolism; the device measures your resting calorie consumption from 385 to 5000 kcal in .1 kcal increments.

User Review
162 of 169 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Scale with Bonsuses, January 18, 2007
By Jacob Hantla "" (Chandler, AZ United States)
So what about the body fat monitor: As to the accuracy of the monitor I cannot speak. However, it is very consistent, much more consistent than the experience that I have had with the handheld-only monitors from Omron. The scale will calculate your percent body fat & your percent skeletal muscle. It will also give you a reading of your visceral body fat, which is a better indicator of your health risk associated with body fat (visceral body fat is the fat which is inside your body surrounding your organs, which subcutaneous fat is the fat that we all see just under our skin). Using these calculations and the user-defined height, weight, and age data that you enter, it will give you your resting metabolic energy needs for the day to give you an idea of how much you should be eating to lose weight in a healthy manner.


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