Thursday, December 13, 2007

whitepapers / case studies / productivity

Note: Start up should read these rearsh papers to learn what are the pain points in business today , how they are addressed and how some of not addressed and to see what is the new business startup oopertunity.

Research Areas: Wow what a great number of technology white papers collected in one place. - every area from human capital management to networking software etc..
another white papers - searchable

good current technology issues/trends podcasts
Case Studies
- great number of case studies how technology was used to improve produtivity
- use tags to go to specific area like 'wrok force' , 'It Operations' etc..
Case studies… (17229 results) - wow 17,229 case suties
example here ...
Real-time Remote Workforce Enablement


What a great articles to learn from others practical experiences, mistakes and reviews:

Migration to Java 5 at
Does code generation matter to Java developers?
Conclusion:Many developers turn their noses up when code generation is mentioned, but given all the benefits of code generation it's hard to understand why. I strongly encourage using code generation wherever it is applicable on a project. The rewards are well worth the effort, and the occasional upturned nose.
Best Practices for Risk-Free Deployment


you can search on Fast Comapany archives get lots of article which company used what process/technology to gain competitive advantage
following following sample search
office productivity

you can all archives magazine articles here

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