Saturday, January 12, 2008

OpenOffice my personal usage experiences

Open Office Draw: for drawings, charts, flow charts etc..
- goood thing you can export drawing to JPG, PNG or PDF formats and have it on blog/web
- for internal software development this is good . This may be time consuming for making and to publish to web. If web based draw tools allow(?) you can export as PJEG so that you can put on blog/web wherever you like. seems you can with zoho "Export to html for off-line viewing."

- seems zoho show is front runner at this time with "Support of shapes, symbols" , google docs is at works soon

Tips in using Darw:
- after you enter text in rectangle boxes select Format->Text->Fit to Frame , this give big text font and adjusts to whole box ( it looks good viewing this big text vs. small text )
- once you make couples of boxes make them as group so that you can resize/move as group
- to increase the draw area go to Format->Page then increase width/height of the page ( on screen ruler drag is not working )
- once you export drawing as jpeg file , take file path like c:\docs\darw1.jpg and paste this file on browser then you see how it looks when added to blog. Adjust page width/height in such a way that it shows as one web page image ( not going beyond viewing area). It seems page size 11 x 6.5 gives good one page jpeg on the blog/web

Here is samle draw:

1 comment:

Kaj Kandler said...

You write: "Format->Text->Fit to Frame."

Personally, I'd avoid this, because as you can see in your very own image, it creates different font sizes in different boxes, that are rather arbitrary. The overall picture looks odd and violates main principles, such as font size is for emphasis and not define by the shortness of the text.

Busy, providing tech support for Open Office users