Friday, September 25, 2009

Long-short relative trade

Long-Short equity investment strategy where long position is taken for an UPside expected instrument where as SHORT instument is used as to hedge down side risk.
in example we expect short-term( few hours) bias is CNQ will go up relative to ES,
- in most cases we expect CNQ goes up by say 1% where as OIL down by only 0.2%
- even if CNQ drops it drops much smaller than ES coz CNQ already dropped much relative to S&P ES

ralative position size:

1% value of side 1 = 1% value of side 2
.01 x #of shares x price-of-stock = 1% values of S&P future ES
.01 x N x $25 = say S&P ES is at 1050 , so 1% is 10.5
.01 x N x $25 = 10.5 ES contract points
.01 x N x $25 = 10.5 x $50 ( each point is $50 )
N x 25 = $525 /.01
N = $50000
N = $50,000 / stock-price
N = %50,000 /$25 = 2000

so we need to buy 2000 stocks of $25 stock to make it equal to 1% gain of S&P ES
- if a given stock price is $50 ( like CNQ )then we need only 1000 stocks.
- with 4x margin you need 50 x 1000/4 = $12,500 in account ..

- so for CNQ to do relative trade with S&P ES , you need $15k + $5k(for ES) = 20k account
- then there is pattern day trader rule allows only 3 days/week?

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