Wednesday, January 13, 2010


When is Some thing worth doing: K. Ref

About Dave Seth:
In practical terms, my work revolves around making sense of the world, using my writing and graphic design abilities to clarify the ambiguous.
his blog caption: An investigative approach to design, productivity and inspiration

asr: wow , see how he expressed his work in CLEAR and SIMPLE terms

asr: we can use these sheets for Anvi/Git kids to log their productivity ..

Concrete Goals Tracker 2010 Updates - Mr. K link, this helps for Trader to focus and doing high value pre-defined tasks

Pursue Tangible Results to Achieve Greater Goals
The Concrete Goals Tracker (CGT) is the original Printable CEO™ form, created one evening in 2005 to alleviate my desire to have a "trusted personal CEO" that would tell me what to do. I figured since I couldn't hire anyone to do the job, I might be able to go the cheap route and print one up on paper :-)

As you accomplish various goal-related items throughout the day, fill in the appropriate bubble to log the points. At the end of the day, you will see how well you did (or didn't). Each CGT form tracks an entire week, so you will see how you did every day, and week-by-week...and most importantly, what you did to move yourself along your path.

all I had to do was focus not on what they were, but how I could tell if I was on the right path or not, and whether my daily output was really helping me forward. The idea is pretty simple: by focusing on making things that people can see and counting what you've done in a simple daily manner, you plant the seeds for daily progress.

The Making Of The Printable CEO

The Printable CEO was born out of a very specific strategic need: I needed to create more tangible assets--that is, stuff that you could actually see with your eyes.

GOALS are what I want to BECOME, where I want to BE, what I want to HAVE. Because I ain't there now and that sucks.

STRATEGY is the plan that gets me from where I am now (you know, in sucksville) to the place/condition/state of grace visualized in my GOALS. A good strategic plan is one that is designed to succeed given the prevailing situation and favorable conditions. Here's an example of a good strategic plan tied to a specific goal:

GOAL: I want to be outside tomorrow, because being outside feels good.

STRATEGY: The door leads outside. By opening the door and passing through it, our goal will be achieved.

So what is the Printable CEO? It's kind of a tactical trick in two parts: a carefully-defined list of tasks that carry out my strategy without having to think about them too hard, and a positive motivation reward system that's easy to read.

The second part of the trick is the motivational psychology behind the bubble chart. Repeat after me:

The Printable CEO is not a To-Do list. It's an I-Did list.

A To-Do list implicitly says, "You need to do ALL these things, otherwise you are failing." It is a completionist, perfectionist-feeding tool. Personally, I think that creates an environment with more opportunity for failure, especially if you are a procrastinator/perfectionist like me.

In general, I use only one form at a time depending on what my needs are at the moment:

High Level Goal Tracking for Freelancers and Small Business Owners -
Download the Concrete Goals Tracker (CGT)

Project-level Task Tracking -
Download the Task Progress Tracker (TPT)

Realistic Daily Planning -
Download the Emergent Task Planner (ETP)

Keeping Track of Planned versus Unplanned Stuff that Happens -
Download the Emergent Task Timer (ETT)

Keeping Track of Individual Task Assignments -
Download the Task Order Up (TOU)

Mr. K organizer
as Mr. K said in his 'tools of the trade' section

Do-Organizer: Keeps everything organized from my to-do list, my trading journal, technical analysis studies, stock screen tracking and management, daily planner, etc. All in all, the program I probably use the most of anything beyond my internet browser. (Gemx)

asr: I need to use this software along with Printable-CEO

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