Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Whole grains: High in nutrition and fiber, yet low in fat

Whole grains: High in nutrition and fiber, yet low in fat
- Find out why whole grains are an essential component to your diet and ways to include more in your meals and snacks.
- Anatomy of a whole grain
- Whole grains vs. refined grains
- Ways to enjoy more whole grains

Whole grains Vs. Refined grains

* Barley
* Brown rice
* Buckwheat
* Bulgur (cracked wheat)
* Millet
* Oatmeal
* Popcorn
* Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers
* Wild rice

Refined Grains

* Corn flakes
* Couscous
* Enriched macaroni or spaghetti
* Grits
* Pretzels
* White bread
* White rice

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